Friday, March 10, 2017

Guest Lecture Shaddrach White[TINST475]

Mr. White's guest lecture was very interesting. I really appreciated the in depth backstory he gave, about how he came to become an entrepreneur. His insights and opinions were very informative. I especially appreciated his advice about "trusting your gut". His advice to seek good legal council early in the business development lifespan was interesting. I personally would not be likely to find and pay for an attorney early in my business process, however after his warnings of some of the dangers, I may have to reconsider that viewpoint. His company cloudPWR has a fascinating strategy to their pricing, I found his explanation of their pricing structure to be a fascinating idea. Purposefully leaving the pricing information generic, but not non-existant was a really novel idea to me. I can see the benefit of doing this as it allows you to remain flexible while still having a structure potential clients can refer to. I also plan to take his advice (something said earlier in the class by the teacher) to always try and have 2-3 months(but preferably 6 months) worth of backup funds for the company. This ties in well with the concept of the sales pipeline talked about in class, helping make sure that the company can make it through quarters that might not be so favorable. Overall, while a lot of the things said during this guest lecture were things already presented in class, I really appreciated hearing them again, and getting a chance to meet Mr. White, he seems like a very nice guy who was a pleasure to listen to.


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